Truthiness : the quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true. (Definition from the American Dialect Society)
Based on fact
Based on wishes
Clean and easy
Long paper trail
Leads to trust
Leads to suspicion and investigation
Easy to remember
Difficult to keep track of
Long term sustainability
Leads to pain
If the choice isn’t clear, truth wins over truthiness every time.
I recently made the acquaintance of a business professional who made a bunch of claims and promises yet when, through Facebook of all places, I encountered some of our mutual contacts it was found out that this gentleman fed me a bunch of half truths. And I can no longer use him as a business referral.
If doing the right thing isn’t enough, then know that any lie or half truth will be found out much faster in our current digital age. Twitter, LinkedIn, email, blogs, and Skype have made our world increasingly smaller and upped the ante for us to consistently be tellers and seekers of truth. Truthiness is that shortcut that leads to a cliff. Facts, research, integrity, and truth are tried and true means of transportation.
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