What Kind of Investment Are You Willing to Make to Get What You Want?

Recently I was feeling a bit stagnant and stuck—like I wasn’t making the most of my time or my life. 

I realized I needed to get back into music… but I wasn’t sure how. A friend asked, “What kind of investment are you willing to make to get what you want?”

Damn. Good point.

There’s a YouTube instructional video for just about anything. 

Cool.  I once used YouTube to learn how to tie a Windsor knot. So, I started learning piano chords and proper piano fingering techniques from instructional videos. But it wasn’t enough—so I hired several teachers. I also decided to work with a world-class songwriting coach, and I’m putting in the practice. 

“What kind of investment are you willing to make to get what you want?” should be a daily question asked of oneself. 

Who has the reputation for being the master in your desired field of study, and can you find a way to train with them?

Learning never ceases, nor does the evolution of self. To create possibilities, we must continue to hone our knowledge-base even in our field(s) of expertise. Otherwise you stagnate and the lack of fulfillment creeps in—and truly, ain’t nobody got time for that. 

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