What Does Your Body of Work Say About You? (Setting Yourself up for a Great New Year)

I was thinking about the year I had with GATJ—the book launch, the play, the incredible people I met, the students that got help. 

It was a great year... and I aim to have another one. But some evolution needs to happen. So I began to look at my past body of work to strategize for the future. Here’s what I came up with and I hope you find it useful as well!!

Two separate items to consider when evaluating your body of work in whatever field(s) you’ve chosen over the years.

1) Do you:
  • Fulfill promises?
  • Compromise?
  • Accommodate?
  • Do the bare minimum?
  • Find solutions to complex problems?
That string of bullet points could stretch miles long. It’s important to take stock and look back at how associates, employers, customers, and partners have found their experience working with you.

2) What kind of work have you been willing to take on presently and in the past?
  • Do you discriminate when taking on employees, customers, partners etc.?
  • Is it work which you knew you were not able to complete?
  • Is it work (in name and/or in quality) that you can display with pride?
These are two questions that are important to ask at the turn of a new year. I’m not as concerned with legacy as I am with what these questions will help with in your present and future.

Examining your entire body of work should show patterns. Behaviors or habits (good or bad), that helped you succeed or sabotaged your success. 

Yes, strategizing and exposing these patterns can help you set yourself up for a great day, week, month, or year. 

If, when reflecting on your work record and you see some things that you don’t like, maybe even some seemingly insurmountable issues—worry not. It’s never too late to write a new and glowing chapter in the archives of your history.

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